

3847 Uppsatser om Service innovation - Sida 1 av 257

En Mobil Jukebox : Undersökning av Intresset För en Innovationsprodukt

The mobile jukebox is an idea for a new kind of smartphone application that would allow users to dictate the music playing at various establishments. The mobile nature of the innovation allows for the possibility of a more ubiquitous service. Conducting a quantitative as well a qualitative study, the authors have found significant interest in this innovation service among potential users and potential distributors of the service. Furthermore, it is shown what aspects are important for decision makers to make a decision on whether to integrate the service into the operation of potential distributors of the service.  .

Att kommunicera en innovation : Hur kunskap om självbetjäningen spreds inom ICA 1945-1960

The communication of self-service within the ICA-sphere, 1945-1960, points tothe central role of communication in technological change. The study coversthe communication from ICAAB, ICA-Förbundet, AB Köpmannatjänst, threepurchasing centres (Hakon, Essve and Eol) and their respective councils oftrustees. The councils communicated their reservations early on, while theother actors spread knowledge (both economic and practical) of the innovation tothe retailers, and some also to the consumers. The communication of thepurchasing centres and Köpmannatjänst gave greater opportunity for learning,due to higher levels of interaction..

Marknadsföra Innovationer: Hur länken mellan teknologisk innovation och värdeskapande är avgörande för framgång

Near Field Communication, NFC, is a short-range wireless communication technology that enables data exchange between devices in a secure way. A NFC phone has the potential to enable the convergence of wallet, phone and keys, but as many other technological innovations, the launch is struggling. We have discovered that technological innovation is only the first step. For an innovation to be adapted, there need to be business model innovation too. Many actors form the ecosystem of NFC and the business model for each service is still an unsolved problem.

Strategiskt arbete med digital tjänsteutveckling : En kvalitativ fallstudie om företags utmaningar och möjligheter

The postindustrial market increasingly demands service infused products to add more value to the customer in order to be competitive. Much research regarding digitalized services indicates that companies have to be innovative in order to compete on the market. However, companies within different industries face different challenges with digital service development. This study has been conducted because there are little known about the opportunities and the challenges different industries faces with a globalized market. Our research question is what the challenges are and what opportunities does strategic digital service development entails for companies.

Idélab en innovativ organisation?

I och med den ökade globaliseringen, ställs det dagligen nya krav och förväntningar på organisationer att möta de fluktuerande behov som omvärlden ställer på dem. Användningen och spridningen av begreppet innovation har aldrig varit så stort eller starkt som idag och det sträcker sig alltifrån regeringspropositioner, forskning, varumärken och konsumentartiklar. Alla vill ta del av det nya ?inne ordet - innovation? men vad är egentligen innovation och vad innebär det för en organisation att vara innovativa? Vi har valt att försöka samla dessa begrepp för att åstadkomma en förståelse för vad innovation egentligen är och hur en organisation kan dra nytta av det..

Sociala interaktionsvärden för ökat köpflöde

AbstractSpotify is currently the largest and fastest growing online music service. They started in 2006 and has since established itself in several European countries. Their financial revenue comes from advertising spots on the client and registered paid subscribers. Together with Spotify, we have come to a certain focus area where Spotify themselves feel that there is potential for improvement. This area of focus concerns the conversion from using Spotify's free "Open" to the payment options Unlimited and Premium.Objective: We will use an innovation process to achieve an innovation grant that will create more attraction to the payment services.

The Innovation Value Chain -How Firms can Generate Innovation

Teorigenomgång som mynnar ut i tolv parametrar som karaktäriserar en innovativ organisation, samt en teoretisk modell, Innovation Value Chain (IVC) som beskriver den innovativa processen. Åtta fallstudier utav tillverkande svenska företag analyseras med hjälp av IVC modellen..

Innovation på Itkonsultföretag. En fallstudie på EVRY

Companies today are exposed to a turbulent market with fierce competition and the ability toinnovate itself becomes increasingly important. But what innovation is and how it is managed is farfrom obvious. In this case study at EVRY the research questions are: ?What is innovation in ITconsultant companies?? and ?how can innovation be managed in IT consultant companies?? ITconsultancy is a complex type of business and their focus is often to innovate the customers businessrather than their own. The study is based on a literature review, field studies, unstructuredinterviews and an interpretive analysis.

Den innovativa förmågans förutsättningar: En studie av organisationer inom Internetbranschen

Nowadays, the world around us is changing faster and faster, the globalization is increasing and harder competition puts extra pressure on companies to be more innovative than ever before. One of the fastest changing industries is the IT industry where the actors always have to be up to date to keep their competitive advantage. The authors want to find out what makes some companies in this industry more innovative than others by examining what internal elements that are necessary for innovation. Much research has already been carried out within the field of innovation and especially about innovation management, although less research exists about smaller, non high tech service companies. Therefore the authors also tries to find out how applicable today?s theories are on this special field and thereby fill a smaller gap in today?s research.

Organisationsfaktorerna arbetskrav och arbetskontroll i relation till ett gruppklimat som främjar innovation

I en allt mer föränderlig omgivning utgör innovation ett nödvändigt redskap. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om arbetskrav och arbetskontroll samt interaktionen dem emellan har en betydelse för ettgruppklimat som främjar innovation. Arbetskrav och arbetskontroll definieras i denna studie utifrån Karaseks teori om krav- och kontrollmodellen. Innovation definieras utifrån Wests teori om de fyra gruppklimatfaktorerna som främjar innovation. Resultatet baseras på en enkätundersökning med 83 respondenter fördelade på 20 arbetsgrupper inom den privata sektorn.

Meningsförändrande innovationer inom industrirobotbranschen : En explorativ fallstudie

In this thesis the subject innovation and the change of meaning is in focus. The purpose of the study is to present a new dimension of innovation as a change of meaning together with the cases we?ve studied. It is discussed throughout the article if theories of perception and association can affect the organization and its ability to create meaning-changing innovations. The industrial robotics is a market in need of, perhaps, if not other markets but of finding new ground that results in the change of meaning.

Drivkrafter & Bromsklossar för Innovation i Professional Service Firms - En fallstudie av två Big Four byråer

SAMMANFATTNING Examensarbetets titel: Drivkrafter & Bromsklossar för Innovation i Professional Service Firms ? En fallstudie av två Big Four byråer Seminariedatum: 4 juni 2008 Ämne/kurs: FEKK01, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 poäng Författare: Noel Lindell, Sebastian Sedeki, Christofer Österlindh Handledare: Håkan Lagerquist Nyckelord: Tjänsteinnovation, Processinnovation, Professional Service Firm, Big Four, Innovation Syfte: Syftet är att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur man arbetar med innovation och vilken syn man har på innovation i Big Four byråerna. Vi strävar efter att förklara hur man arbetar med att tillvarata inventioner, hur innovation uppstår inom olika fält och i vilken utsträckning. Ambitionen är att vårt resultat ska vara normativt för hur man ska kunna öka innovationsgraden i en Big Four byrå. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie med abduktiv ansats.

Inomorganisatorisk kreativitet och innovation

This essay discusses organizational culture and focus on corporate creativity and innovation. The aim is to see which organizational factors that foster creativity and innovation in organizations. The essay will provide answer on how organizational culture can encourage creativity and innovation and how organizations can promote the rise of a creative work environment. The research design of this essay is a qualitative case study with interviews at Gotland Energi AB (GEAB). The interviews provided insight in factors that can foster creativity and innovation in organizations.

Innovation på arbetsplatsen : Kontorschefers innovationshantering

Due to the globalization and constant changes in society, competition has become a big factor in profit-driven companies and organizations. Innovation has become an effective way for the companies to increase their competitiveness. By adapting to the constant changes in society e.g. the technological advances, companies can retain their competitiveness on the market.The purposeof this study is to exemplify and describe how a profit-driven company managesinnovationbyinterviewing four office managers in different work units in the same company.The resultsshows, among other things,that interactive learning can bean initiation to innovation processes and that the participating company in this study workshard to promote innovation in work units..

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